BiAlith Links to Tools and Sites
Select a category:
Tools |
Software for imaging, stats, office applications, VRML viewers, etc. |
Search |
Web and scientific literature search engines, library catalogues, patents, etc. |
Reference |
Dictionaries, journal impact factors, standard images, image file formats, IP algorithms &
tutorials, maps, periodic table, clip art, etc. |
Histopathology |
Diagnostic histopathology, histotechnology and other medical sites |
Tools |
Pricing |
Description |
Calculator |
Free |
An online calculator by Athera, written by Rolf Howarth. Useful when your system administrator has failed to install even the basic Windows calculator on your PC! |
LabPlot |
Free |
Open Source data visualisation, fitting, plotting, etc. Made by KDE |
Packages |
Free |
This webpage by John C. Pezzullo has links to many free statistical
analysis packages |
Cortona VRML |
Free |
VRML plug-in and player. Alternative to the Cosmo player which is hard to find on the web these days. The Cortona player is free for non-commercial personal / academic use. |
GLView |
Free |
A stand-alone VRML viewer (not a plug-in) by Holger Grahn |
Open VRML |
Free |
A set of open source and GNU VRML tools including a viewer |
OpenOffice |
Free |
Fully functional Office suite from the Apache Software Foundation. Includes Spreadsheet, Slide Presentation package, Word Processor, Drawing package, Database, etc. High degree of compatibility with Microsoft Office - but free of charge. Versions for PC, Mac and Unix are available. |
Free |
An alternative packaging of the Image J software bundled with some useful plugins, etc. |
NIH Image / ImageJ |
Free |
Image processing program with many plug-ins. Cross-platform and Java-based. |
Computer vision |
Various |
Links to computer vision-related algorithms, information and software packages. From
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Sciences, USA. |
IrfanView |
Free |
This is a very useful program for doing batch conversions or simple
batch processing such as re-sizing. I often use it to convert JPEG or
TIFF images from scanners and cameras into BMP files as the current
version of BiaQIm cannot read JPEG or TIFF images. |
PBMPlus |
Free |
Jeff Poskanzer's original image processing toolkit. Although this original
version was designed for Unix systems the distribution contains the
source code and a PC version is available via the Graphics Programs
and Utilities site link given below. From the MathSource website. |
MRIcro |
Free |
Image processing geared around MRI images with 3D support. From Chris Rorden's neuropsychology lab. For Windows 9x/NT, Linux and Solaris. |
Etdips |
Free |
3-D and 2-D image processing and visualisation suite geared to radiology but also accepting ordinary tiff and bmp image stacks. Originally from the NIH Clinical Centre, USA. For Windows 2000/9x/NT. (This link takes you to the download site as the original NASA site no longer exists). |
3D Slicer |
Free |
Cross platoform open source 3D visualisation and analysis for (e.g.) CT and MRI data but can be used with other 3D data as well. |
Free |
A tool for C programmers to enable them to read, write and process
FITS formatted images. From NASA HEASARC. I used the cfitsio library
in BiaQIm and the Biaram programs. |
ImagingSource |
Commercial |
A source of affordable frame grabbers and cameras for scientists /
industry. |
NetTools |
Free |
A source of network software scripts |
Search |
Description |
Yahoo, Google,
General purpose search engines. |
Google Scholar |
The academic version of Google - search the scientific literature |
Medline, etc. |
The National Library of Medicine (USA) PubMed service |
British Library |
Access the catalogues of the british library |
RSM Library |
Access the Royal Society of Medicine's library catalogue |
CiteSeer |
Search for scientific papers. Good for image analysis related topics (esp. high level and theoretical basis). Run by NEC. |
SPIE Web |
Search for SPIE conference proceedings and papers. |
IEEE Explore |
Search for IEEE conference proceedings and papers. |
UK Intellectual property office |
UK Patent and Trade Mark database (Now called the Intellectual Property Office) |
US Patent Office |
US Patent and Trade Mark database |
Canada Patent Office |
Search the Canadian Patent & trade mark database |
Reference |
Description |
Impact Factors |
Journal Citation Reports from the ISI Web of Knowledge UK. Athens password or IP
verification required |
Eponyms |
English1) is from Cambridge University Press, English2) Dictionary & Roget's Thesaurus from the IAC Corporation,
Welsh) is from BBC Wales, Mathematics) is a dictionary of mathematics by Eric
Weisstein of Wolfram Research Medical) is a Medical Dictionary by Medic8 Ltd, UK. Acronym) is an American site with an acronym search engine from mountain data
systems (has ads and popups). Eponyms) lets you look up medical eponymous
terms/syndromes |
Translator |
Free online language translator by Google |
Gray's Anatomy |
Online Gray's Anatomy by |
Imaging Resource |
A good site to find reviews, samples and spec.s on digital cameras, scanners, etc. |
File Formats |
Details of many image file formats. From the University of Edinburgh Computer Science dept. UK. |
Medical Imaging
Research at ISI |
Medical (radiology) imaging research and demos at the Imaging Sciences Institute of
of Utrecht University (Netherlands). Information on multimodal registration, 3D
visualisation, etc. with aplications. |
| This web page makes available standard images for download which are commonly
used in the image processing literature for demonstration of new methods (from the Carnegie
Mellon School of Computer Sciences, USA). |
Periodic Table |
Online periodic table of elements from the Royal Society of Chemistry |
TheBigProject |
Free calendars and lots more from The Big Project UK. |
Weather |
from The UK Met Office |
GMT standard time online + software to sync your PC's time to atomic clock standards |