

About Us

The Biaram Programs

Biaram is a collection of over 200 separate programs for doing specific image processes such as deconvolution, image rotation, colour separation, etc. Each is written in standard C source code and can be compiled to run on Linux, macOS, MS Windows and other operating systems. Both binary and source code distributions are available from this website. Most of the binaries are 64-bit and some have parallel processing enabled (for multicore machines) using Open MP for speedy execution of math-intensive proceses such as 3D deconvolution.

User's Manual 
 Download the latest edition of the Biaram User's Manual PDF from my downloads page..

The Programs
The programs have grown in number and complexity since the last release so please see the user's manual for details. The current release contains updated deconvolution programs including the use of accelerated algorithms, features for brightfield deconvolution, 3D microscopy PSF estimation, blind deconvolution and spatially variant deconvolution (blind and non-blind). Other processes include new colour separation methods, image warping and montage facilities, new facilities for 3D image processing, optical flow motion analysis, a Huygens-Miller optics simulator and much more.

 Copyright Copyright Dr P. J. Tadrous 2000-2024

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